813 Grand Central Avenue
Vienna, WV 26105

Can You Still Own a Gun if Convicted of Domestic Violence?

Can You Still Own a Gun if Convicted of Domestic Violence?

Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, Understands Gun Laws in Vienna, WV

Are you struggling to answer the question, “Can you still own a gun if convicted of domestic violence?” Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, helps Vienna, WV, residents figure this out. According to Justice.gov, domestic abuse is a violent crime committed by a current or former spouse. Federal firearms laws have installed new guidelines for convicted offenders and felons looking to purchase a gun.



Learn About Domestic Violence Offenses and Gun Rights

Until recently, except for the boyfriend loophole,” convicted domestic abusers could not purchase firearms. This loophole allowed abusers to buy guns if their victim was not a current or former spouse. Most of these exceptions are no longer an issue, due to the Senate Gun Bill that drastically tightened these rules.



Convictions Prohibit Domestic Abusers from Purchasing Guns

Individuals cannot purchase a firearm under state and federal law if a conviction is on the record. This rule affects both felony and misdemeanor charges. Along with not owning guns outright, abusers cannot own them with active domestic violence protection orders. It’s essential that Vienna, WV, residents understand these laws.



The Boyfriend Loophole Does Provide One Exception

For first-time offenders, federal law removes gun prohibition for dating partners after five years if the accused avoids another misdemeanor. If individuals can get their conviction expunged, they may be able to own a gun after a domestic violence conviction.


If Vienna, WV, courts accuse you of domestic violence, you need an attorney that will fight for your rights. Since our inception, Attorney Gerber has helped countless clients in Vienna, WV, combat domestic violence cases and more. Call Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, if you face domestic violence charges in Vienna, WV. He will protect your rights.


Are you struggling to answer the question, “Can you still own a gun if convicted of domestic violence? Call Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, today at (681) 229-1334. Feel free to like our Facebook page to check out the latest firm happenings. Attorney Gerber proudly helps Vienna, WV, answer the question, “Can you still own a gun if convicted of domestic violence?