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Vienna, WV 26105

What Do I Do If I Get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?

What Do I Do If I Get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?

Trust Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law to Protect Your Rights

Can you answer, “What do I do if I get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?” Driving under the influence convictions can result in jail time, thousands of dollars in fines, and losing your license. Many West Virginia residents find it impossible to earn a living and work without a license. Ohio drivers have limited driving privileges to go to and from work after a driving under the influence charge. Let Attorney Jay Gerber answer, “What do I do if I get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?”



West Virginia Residents Can Lose Their License After a DUI Conviction

Driving under the influence convictions in West Virginia require residents to complete a DUI safety and treatment program before license reinstatement. Individuals must remember that license reinstatement depends on the nature of the case and previous offenses. The charge becomes an aggravated DUI if you have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15 percent. Accidents resulting in another person’s death offer slim chances of getting your license back.



Consider Three Things When Convicted of a DUI in Ohio

In most cases, the police will search the driver’s car and get it towed. In this case, call the towing company and ask to get it out of the yard without a court order. Generally, the company will charge less than $200 and release your vehicle hassle-free. Determining where your court appearance will take place is another aspect to consider. Most Ohio jurisdictions set court dates within five days of the driving under the influence arrest. Police provide information about the hearing to the individual at the bottom of the traffic ticket.



Contact an Experienced Attorney If You Receive a DUI Conviction

Overall, the best thing to do after a driving under the influence arrest is to immediately contact an attorney you trust. Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, is an attorney that always has your best interest at heart. Our law firm will fight for your rights and help guide you through the process. While each case is different, having an experienced DUI attorney can answer most of your questions.


Jay Gerber answers, “What do I do if I get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?” Call Jay Gerber, Attorney at Law, at (681) 229-1334. Follow us on Facebook for the latest news and information. Attorney Gerber answers, “What do I do if I get a DUI in West Virginia or Ohio?”